Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I login to the website?  To login, go to Scroll to the bottom of any page on the site until you see Member Login. Fill in the fields.
  • Forgot or lost your password?
    • Method One: Go the the Log In area on the bottom of the Home Page, enter your registered email and leave the password blank, then click on Forgot Password? (the Login text will change to Send Email), select Send Email and you will be sent an email with a new password which you can change (See below).  Check your spam folder if you don’t see it within 15 minutes to your inbox.  If your your membership has not expired more than 30 days ago, it will ask you to renew your membership. Once you renew your membership it will allow you to change your password. email address entered.   If your membership has expired over 30 days ago, you will have to rejoin.
    • Method Two or to change your password: On the top menu of the Austin Newcomers site, hover over ‘Membership’ and then select ‘Renew Current Membership‘ and then select ‘Request Password’, then enter your email address and then click Enter. You should get an email with a new password that you can use to log in. Check your spam folder if you don’t see it within 15 minutes to your inbox. If your membership has expired, it will redirect you to renew your membership. Once you renew your membership it will allow you to change your password.
    • New passwords are complex and should be treated as a one time password.  Be sure to change it as soon as you login with one. (See next)
  • Want to change your password? On the top menu of the Austin Newcomers site, hover over ‘Members Only’ and then click on ‘Manage Account’.  You can log in with your current password or a temporary one. There is an option there to Change your Password in your profile.  Choose a password you will remember or write it down.
  • How do I register for an event? If your membership is current, you can register for an event by logging in the the  ways:
    • Log in to the website and go to Members Only tab at the top. You can view the  Calendar to find events by date and find the one you want to register for.  Select the event and it will bring up the registration page.  Add yourself and specify the number of people you are registering from your household.  You will get a confirmation of the registration by email.
    • The monthly calendar on the next to last page of the Welcome Mat has a link to each online event description and RSVP form where you can register for an event.
    • Sometimes, you may be asked to contact the interest group chairperson by phone or email to be put on their list.  The chair will then contact you with further instructions.
  • How do I get my password? When you sign up to become a member, you will be emailed a password. You can opt to change it by following the instructions in #7 above. Write it down somewhere so you can refer to it if you forget it.
  • How do I find my profile?  On the top menu of the Austin Newcomers site, hover over ‘Members Only’ and then click on ‘Manage Account’. Login for access to your profile.
  • How do I upload my pictures? Login to your profile. Select the ‘Profile’ tab. Scroll down to ‘Profile Gallery’. Click on the box that says ‘Click or drop files here’ to upload image and then follow directions. You can either drag a picture from another open window or look up the picture on your hard drive and select it to upload it. Click on Learn more for a short video on how to do this.
  • Where do I find the Welcome Mat and how do I find out when the new one is uploaded?  Up until June 2024 The Welcome Mat for each month was posted around the 15th of the previous month. You can find it in the Members Only section by clicking on Welcome Mat Newsletters on the left-hand column. The weekly email will also include a link to the Welcome Mat and will alert you when the new one has been posted.  After June 2024 the Welcome Mat will be a live under the Welcome Mat Articles page.  The latest  summary of this page will be sent out to the members via email every two weeks.