Ever wonder how people new to Austin or seasoned Austinites search out new social friends who enjoy similar activities? They will probably do a Google search for things they like to do ‘near me’. In that search they are bound to find Austin Newcomers. But if they get to the web site, like what they see do they just join right away? No! They like to find out more and maybe try an event or two, especially if we have events they are attracted to. That is where ‘Try and Event’ comes in. They can use the ‘Try an Event’ feature on the Austin Newcomers home page. The button will bring up a registration form and a list of events happening over the next 30 days. They can enter their name and contact information, then select two events they want to try. The VP, Membership and the Interest Group Coordinator will contact them and get them registered up as a guest. Then, hopefully they can see how friendly a group we are and hopefully become a fellow member.

So if you run into someone while you are out and about, talk to them about Austin Newcomers and invite them to ‘Try an Event’! (Note: As a logged in member, you will not see this feature if you go to select it.)